Red Team Engagements

What is a Red Team Engagement?

BlackBug's Red Team engagements are an all-out attack on your organisation with the aim of compromising critical data assets in your network by any means possible.

Leveraging the vast threat landscape that a true attacker would have available to them, we imitate the real-world attacks that can hit your organisation, and perform all the necessary techniques that attackers would employ. By assuming the role of a highly-motivated attacker, we demonstrate all the ways that your information security is at risk.

The techniques used in a Red Team engagement vary from standard phishing attempts aimed at employees and social engineering to impersonating staff members, to compromising your phyiscal security and implanting Command and Control devices within your network. The demonstrated impact from a Red Team engagement paints a much larger picture that will aid your organisation in the planning, development and prioritisation of future information security initiatives.

Did You Know?

  • A 'Red Team' refers to a small cohort of experienced professionals that use any means possible to obtain unauthorised access to the specified target.

  • A 'Blue Team' can be though of as the opponent of the Red Team, and are responsible for implementing defence mechanisms and protecting the organisation.

  • 'Purple Teaming' is a concept that engages both teams to work cohesively to protect the organisation's most critical information.

  • The main characteristic of a Red Team is thinking outside the box — constantly finding new tools and techniques to better protect company security.

  • BlackBug proudly possesses a 100% success rate in obtaining access to the target in our Red Team engagements.

Why Choose BlackBug?

For the best results, a Red Team engagement should be conducted by a third-party specialist team equipped with the knowledge to exploit security vulnerabilities, but unaware of the defenses built into your organisation's infrastructure.

With our 100% success rate in obtaining unauthorised access to the target on our Red Team engagements, and our extensive experience in multiple techniques of exploitation and deception, we believe we are the right choice for your security needs.

At all times during the engagement, our consultants act in the most professional manner and ensure that your critical data is kept safe from prying eyes.

Our Red Team engagements provide benefits including:

  • A better understanding of possible data exfiltration and exploitation techniques
  • Enuring that your information security is up to scratch with defenses against the very latest and strongest threats
  • A unique insight into your operational security that won't be identified in a standard penetration test
  • An understanding of how your employees' actions may inadvertently lead to the exposure of sensitive data
  • Delivering a series of detailed recommendations discussing the implication of any inadequate security controls, and how to better identify covert attacks in future